Ovarian Cancer Treatment in India

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A Way to Know About Ovarian Cancer Treatment in India

Ovarian Cancer Treatment in India

Ovarian cancer comes under the category of cancer that affects the female reproductive functioning. Ovarian cancer is when the cells in the ovaries advance and progress at an unprecedented rate which results in invading and destructing the healthy bodily tissues. Ovaries are the location where the eggs are produced in a female, ovaries might be named as the source of hormones for progesterone and estrogen. Ovarian cancer has the potential to threaten life. However, the way ovarian cancer treatment in India has transformed in India by including cutting-edge procedures that are technologically advanced and help to minimize the room for error having the aid of top-notch medical expertise by skilled doctors.

Types of Ovarian Cancer

There are varied kinds of ovarian cancer, but primarily on a different basis, it might be divided into the following types. There might be other types that exist that might be rare to occur but happen.

Epithelial Ovarian Carcinomas

This belongs to one of the most common types of ovarian cancer that might develop in a female, this ovarian cancer includes the cells that are responsible for capping the exterior area of the ovary. This type of ovarian cancer commences its networking from spreading to the lining as well as the pelvic organs and even the abdominal area then further affecting the other significant parts of the body as well.

Further sub-divisions of this type of ovarian cancer may be classified as follows: -

  • Serous carcinomas
  • Endometrioid carcinoma
  • Mucinous carcinomas
  • Clear cell carcinoma

Germ Cell Tumors

In this relatively rare category of ovarian cancer, the female’s eggs which are the core of reproduction are affected as that is where it commences to grow.

Furthermore, germ cell tumors might be subdivided into the following types: -

  • Teratomas
  • Dysgerminoma
  • Endodermal sinus tumor

Stromal Cell Tumors

These tumors commence their development in the connective tissue cells which have the responsibility to manufacture female hormones (Estrogen and Progesterone). Stroma cell tumors are also known as sex-cord-gonadal stromal tumors and sex-cord tumors.

NOTE: Ovarian sarcoma is also one of the types of ovarian cancer that might also be categorized but there are inconclusive studies that are unable to determine and define this type specifically. The good thing is that this type of ovarian cancer is still a rare one and hence might give relief to patients and doctors by not worrying much over it.

Identify Ovarian Cancer Symptoms Before Its Late

The ovarian cancer symptoms can be difficult to detect as they are vague and sometimes ovarian cancer might be asymptomatic as well making it difficult for the patient to go for an early detection. However, regular screening on the advice of the concerned doctor might prove to be advantageous. The following is a list of ovarian cancer symptoms out of the many which might affect the patient: -

  1. Losing weight abnormally
  2. Differences in the eating pattern, like the patient might feel quickly sufficed with the food that they might have eaten or even losing one’s appetite might be a symptom in this case
  3. There might be swelling or bloating in the abdominal area
  4. Uncontrollable urge to urinate
  5. Any discomfort, ache, or burden in the pelvic or abdominal area
  6. Discovering a lump in the pelvic region
  7. Vaginal bleeding that occurs even after menopause

Risk Factors: a Signal

The exact cause behind ovarian cancer might not be pinpointed but there are a few risk factors that might upsurge the danger of ovarian cancer for a patient, these are as mentioned below: -

  • Family history (someone in the past has been affected by this type or a few other types of cancers)
  • Infertility for a longer duration of time
  • Having gone through menstruation at a very young age and even finding oneself amidst delayed menopause
  • Even old age might constitute a risk factor

NOTE: Risk factors do not mean that cancer will occur in your body, but these might act as some guiding lights that might help you to be alert always with a consultation of the concerned doctor.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment in India: a Ray of Hope

India is proving its mettle at the global level by the advancing technologies it incorporates in the treatment of such serious issues can be classified as triumphant, even though with some medical testing still going on for the functioning of few treatments, there is no lack of medical treatments to treat the patients. Ovarian cancer treatment might depend upon miscellaneous determinants like type, stage, spread, and more.

Some of the treatments that might be of use are as follows: -

  • Surgery
  • Targeted therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hormone Therapy

Success Rate: Everyone’s Concern

Surveys and their results are here to show that ovarian cancer treatment in India stands at an impressive rate which might feel to be optimistic for the patient to know about. Medically revolutionized procedures and the skilled expertise that is applied to the treatment of your loved one have given such results which might make the patient happy further compelling them to choose ovarian cancer treatment offered in India.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment Cost in India

Depending upon significant determinants the ovarian cancer treatment cost in India is way more feasible and cost-effective than in other countries. Patients can get complete services from the best medical facilities, expertise, post-treatment care, and even the support one demands at this time all in a way that is more affordable than the other countries.

State-Of-The-Art Medical Facilities

Ovarian cancer treatment in India can be categorized as one of the best due to distinguished factors, but one of them is surely the top-class hospitals located in India which work to enhance the experience of the patient and smoothen out their treatment procedure. There are varied hospitals which makes the list too long but out of all few are mentioned below: -

  1. Max Healthcare, New Delhi
  2. Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
  3. Fortis Hospital, Chennai
  4. Manipal Hospital, New Delhi
  5. BLK MAX Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi

Medical Professionals at Their Best

India has never shown its back in terms of displaying their medical expertise at global levels, rather there is a spectrum of professionals who are medically qualified and specialized in their respective fields who give their best to treat the patients in the right way possible.

  1. Dr. Nithyaa Ramamurthy
  2. Dr. Sarika Gupta
  3. Dr. Peush Bajpai
  4. Dr. Rajesh Mistry
  5. Dr. Sandeep Goyle


Ovarian cancer is a kind of cancer in which there is an undisciplined progress of cells in the ovaries. Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect early due to its vague symptoms that might show up in some patients, hence being alert to go for a test or even a consultation is necessary. There are varied kinds of cancer that might affect the patients depending upon their target area as well as spread. There are risk factors that might escalate the chances of having developed ovarian cancer of any type. But generally, do not worry much, as there are excellent ovarian cancer treatments in India. The medical science in India has broken many barriers providing an against the odd ovarian cancer treatment cost and, the best of the best medical facilities like top-notch hospitals which also provide outstanding amenities. All these services, without any language barrier or other problems, will be offered to you in a hassle-free manner if you decide to choose MedHeal Global Care as your support system in such a difficult time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ovarian Cancer Treatment