Gynaecology Treatment
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Types Of Gynaecology Treatment

IVF Treatment

In Vitro Fertilization also known as IVF. This is a complex treatment technique used for infertility or genetic problems in which human eggs are fertilized in a lab and then transferred back into the body for pregnancy.

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Introduction to Gynaecology Treatment

Gynaecology is the medical care of the female reproductive system this includes the organs of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, and vagina. It encompasses several aspects of female health including Genital health, reproductive health, breast health, and urinary tract health. It involves the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of disorders and conditions related to the female reproductive system such as hormonal imbalances, menstrual disorders, cervical cancer endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, vaginal infections, breast cancer, and ovarian cysts. Gynaecology treatment in India comprises both medicines as well as surgical fields. Indian Gynaecologist provides preventive medical care and treatment to women for a wide range of conditions, including routine check-ups, screenings, and surgeries to ensure women’s overall well-being, and the scope of gynaecology includes fertility treatment, cancer diagnosis, pregnancy care, and menopause management. The goal of gynaecology treatment is to improve the overall health and well-being of women.

Common Gynaecological Issues

Mostly the common gynaecological issues are irregular cycles or painful monthly cramps affecting women. There are many intervention methods, both medical and surgical, that exist to relieve the signs of conditions ranging from menstrual disorders to urinary incontinence. Some common gynaecological problems include:

Menstrual Disorders

Characterized by any abnormal condition which includes heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, bleeding between periods, bleeding with intercourse, and especially painful cramps might be symptoms of a menstrual disorder in females of menstruation age. Depending on the condition and the severity, surgical or medical intervention methods are available. Menstrual disorders include:

  1. Endometrial polyps
  2. Endometrial cancer
  3. Endometriosis
  4. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  5. Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Pelvic Floor Prolapse 

A condition where the muscles in the pelvis weaken due to factors such as chronic constipation or menopause can lead to the walls of the vagina falling and this is also called pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Symptoms of Pelvic Prolapse may include:

  1. Pressure sensation in the vagina or rectum
  2. Vaginal irritation
  3. Difficulty starting or completing urination or bowel movements

Pelvic Pain

Refers to persistentpain in the lower abdomen or pelvis, that lasts for longer than 6 months, chronic pelvic pain mostly strikes women. The complexity of this may create a variety of health issues such as IBS, bladder pain syndrome, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, or uterine leiomyoma. Common signs may include:

  1. Pressure in the pelvis
  2. Pain during urination
  3. Cramping
  4. Changes in mood

Cervical Dysplasia

This is a pre-cancerous condition of the cervix resulting from the abnormal growth of cells, caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and mostly appears without symptoms, but some symptoms may include:

  1. Vaginal irritation
  2. Abnormal pap test results
  3. Persistent vaginal discharge
  4. Vaginal bleeding

Uterine Fibroids 

This is the most common benign tumor in women, that develops in the uterus, especially during the childbearing years. Various types of fibroids can develop in multiple places in and around the uterus. Small fibroids might cause a few problems- causing symptoms, such as:

  1. Growing stomach area
  2. Longer or more frequent periods
  3. Constipation
  4. Pain in the stomach area or lower back, or pain during sex

Urinary Incontinence

This is a common condition affecting many females which involves the loss of bladder control, leading to accidental leakage of urine. There are various types of UI such as:

  1. Mixed UI: a combination of urge UI and stress.
  2. Urge UI: Sudden need to urinate, often leakage.
  3. Overflow UI: Leakage due to a full bladder.
  4. Functional UI: difficulty in reaching the washroom in time due to physical limitations.
  5. Stress UI: Leakage during physical activities like sneezing.

Types of Gynaecology Treatments

These are some of the procedures that may help gynecologists to get a better look at the cervix, vagina, and uterus and take samples for the biopsy.


Is a minimally invasive therapy also called as Freeze-Refreeze Technique to destroy abnormal tissue. From this technique an ice ball forms on the cervix, killing the abnormal cells and this procedure may be done to treat cervical dysplasia and treat cervicitis. Risks in this surgery may include Bleeding and infection.


Is a medical procedure for looking at the vagina, vulva, and cervix through a specialized instrument called a colposcope to examine abnormalities. It is performed to:

  • Investigate vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • Monitor HPV infections
  • Investigate abnormal Pap test results
  • Evaluate Genital warts


Is a medical procedure used to visualize inside the uterus and cervix with a thin, lighted tube known as a hysteroscope. The purpose of this surgery is to diagnose and treat abnormal bleeding, remove polyps, fibroids, adhesions, and IUDs, and perform endometrial ablation and sterilization procedures. a hysteroscopy is generally very safe, but there is a small risk of complications like feeling faint and infection of the womb.


Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure is a surgical technique used to remove abnormal cells from the cervix and the purpose of this surgery is to remove precancerous cells or cervical dysplasia, diagnose and treat early-stage cervical cancer, and remove genital warts. A wire loop heated by electric current is used in this surgery. Some common risks may include infection, bleeding pr heavy discharge, preterm labor, and narrowing of the cervix.

Pelvic Laparoscopy

Is a minimally invasive technique that uses a laparoscope to examine the pelvic organ. The purpose of this procedure is to examine any abnormalities found in imaging studies and determine the cause of pelvic pain. Some common risks include blood clots. There are two types of this method:

  • Diagnostic Laparoscopy
  • Operative Laparoscopy


This surgical procedure called dilatation and curettage is commonly used to examine the uterus and remove abnormal growths. The purpose of this surgery is to treat and diagnose abnormal uterine bleeding and perform endometrial sampling for cancer diagnosis. Some common risk factors are infection or bleeding.

IVF Treatment in India

In Vitro Fertilization is a type of ART used to help couples or individuals conceive a child and this process involves: Ovulation induction, Egg retrieval, Sperm collection, Fertilization, Embryo Culture, and Embryo transfer. IVF treatment is used to treat fertility issues, including female factor infertility, male factor infertility, endometriosis, and unexplained infertility. India has emerged as a center point for IVF treatment in india because of its cost-effectiveness compared to other developed countries making it a compelling option for those seeking fertility treatment with advanced technology and experienced professionals ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

Best Hospitals for Gynaecology Problems in India

These hospitals are recognized for their expertise, facilities, and success rates in gynaecology treatment, making India among the best choices for such procedures. Here are some reputed hospitals in India known for gynaecology treatment:

  1. Fortis Hospital
  2. Medanta-The Medecity
  3. Apollo Hospital
  4. Gleneagles Global Health City

Factors that Affect Gynaecology Treatment Costs in India

When it comes to your gynecology surgery the important expense is going to be your gynecologist’s fees. The charges may depend on the experience of the surgeon, popularity, and the approach to treatment. There are several types of gynaecological surgery procedures in India and the cost of surgery varies on what method is used to operate and it depends on the patient's medical condition. A significant portion of the overall cost of gynaecology surgery arises from the use of any customized surgical specialized technology.


Gynaecology is the branch of medicine that deals with the overall well-being of the female reproductive system. A Gynaecologist is a physician who cares for women throughout their lifetime and they are trained to manage a spectrum of female-related conditions including menstruation disorders, infertility and sexually transmitted infections or STIs, hormone disorders, and others. Considering all this, India has emerged as a center point for gynecology treatment and attracting patients from all over the world. These services of  Medheal Global Care provide you with a supportive and comfortable environment with our experienced gynecologists as well as advanced technology to deliver the most innovative diagnostic and treatment procedures for your gynecological problems.


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